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Ghaleb designs a holistic yet highly customized Leadership Programs that are tailored to the need of his clients.

His design process begins with the Whole-Systems Diagnostic which takes a systemic view of the challenges facing the organization and framing them in terms of the internal and external pressures, developmental needs and specific business challenges.

The best leaders are the best learners.


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Harvard’s Adaptive Leadership Framework  

Building on 40 years of research and teaching experience at Harvard University, Adaptive Leadership framework is designed to be a transformative experience at the personal and organizational levels. The framework is intended for people who are not satisfied with the status quo and strive to create a better and more rewarding future for their teams and organizations.


•    Master the Adaptive Leadership framework, including actionable tools and practices
•    Distinguishing technical problems from adaptive Challenges
•    Make the choice between applying leadership and using authority to generate progress
•    Diagnose the adaptations and competencies needed to capture emerging opportunities
•    Enhance your capacity to diagnose deep and complex challenges facing your change initiatives
•    Internalize a new set of tools to mobilize consequential change
•    Strengthen your ability to face and overcome internal resistance to change
•    Navigating organizational politics and mobilizing stakeholders


My teaching style is different—no PowerPoints. I use your current personal and organizational challenges and your opportunities as the center of the work. You become part of the curriculum. The training room will become real-live case and the dynamic inside the large group and small groups will shape the curriculum of the program.

I use storytelling, and cultural narratives to help you reflect on your own assumption, values, beliefs to make sense of your past experiences. This reflections helps you begin to study yourself as instrument of change.

Applying Harvard’s case-in-point™ distinctive methodology will give you the opportunity to reflect on your most immediate experiences to learn more about the dynamics of leadership and authority.

A unique feature of my programs is using the group itself as a case, which help facilitates a process in which everyone can learn how to diagnose organizational cultures and how to exercise leadership with and without authority.


Usually organizations are stuck because their top management are misaligned on strategy, even though they don’t seem to be on the surface. The problem is that in team meetings, people tend to publicly agree with the company’s direction (particularly if the boss is present). But when it comes time to allocate resources to a new agreed-upon strategy the seeming agreement turns into active resistance.

Few are willing to spare the needed resources. I help organization discover hidden issues and competing values, as well as identifying their work-avoidance mechanisms that stand in the way of progress. I use adaptive leadership framework and techniques to help your senior team diagnose the current status thoroughly and unite them on the organization’s future aspiration. In the end of the day, leadership is about bridging the gap between current reality and future aspirations.

This is a high-level leadership executive retreat offered as part of strategy formulation retreats and usually runs for a half-day to one-day full session and will be co-designed with the respective organization.

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My objective is to help the executive team facilitate a process that allows them to:
  • Diagnose their existing system by identifying the underlying systematic pressures and adaptive challenges that act as constraints to getting them to drive change
  • Identify what, how, when and where to adapt in order to capture    emerging opportunities.
  • Measure organizational readiness for their change initiative.      (People’s capacity and knowledge).
  • Identify competing commitments and current obstacles to            achieving their strategy
  • Think and act systemically creating interventions that take into    account the pressures in the system that are getting in the      way of progress.


Looking for a powerful and inspiring speech to stretch the thinking of your team and help them start thinking strategically about the challenges facing your organization? Do you have an opportunity to inspire a large group? Or perhaps you hope to introduce an event with world-class content on leadership?

I will provide the same provocative approach given to some of the world’s top organizations in a semi-private forum. My keynotes inspire audiences to understand the global trends that are influencing our lives and take immediate action and provide the tools and frameworks for sustained measurable change. 
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